Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Makeup Issue

I typically wear very little makeup.  Concealer under the eyes, eye liner, a little blush, chap stick, curl the lashes and go. When I want to get a little more fancy I add loose powder, eye shadow, and mascara.  With all of the holiday occasions lately I have been wearing more makeup than normal.  This has presented a problem.

If I OCM in the morning in the shower then I have to do it again at night to remove the makeup.  I think only once a day is better.  I've had a few blemishes come up this past week.  They go away pretty quickly and are nothing compared to the ones I would get before I started the OCM but it has still been disheartening since I was doing so well.

I decided to up the Tea Tree Oil to 3 drops and increased the amount of Castor Oil to about 60%.  I hope this will get me back to perfectly clear skin.  But it still leaves the makeup problem.

I'm thinking I need to seek out new makeup.  A more natural skin friendly powder that won't ruin all of my OCM goodness.  This is going to be challenging and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Happy Cleansing!