Thursday, December 22, 2011

Can We Talk About Hair?

So I'm starting to feel like I'm getting the hang of the OCM.  I'm ready to do something about my hair now.  Just as I considered my skin oily I consider to hair oily as well.  If it's not washed at least once every 24 hours it gets pretty bad and I have to bring out the dry shampoo to save the day.  I'm such a believer in the OCM now that I feel like a similar regimen must work for my hair as well.

The oily scalp and dry brittle ends have got to go! Who has suggestions??


  1. I did the No 'Poo method there for a while, you can search for my posts on my blog if you want to see some photos. I liked it, but I really missed suds after a while so I haven't been doing it. That and I like my hair long and it was not fun trying to detangle it when using the baking soda! But for shorter hair it was manageable. I am still looking for another more natural shampoo but haven't had much luck. I tried a natural coconut shampoo and conditioner but I didn't like it and it gave me horrible split ends. Good luck! I am very interested to see what you come up with!

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  3. I also use the baking soda method. I think it's great. I rube dry baking soda into the roots of my hair around mt temples, forehead, and crown. Then when I get in the shower, I wet my hair so it's damp then massage the baking soda in. The last thing I do in the shower is rinse the baking soda out. So the baking soda sits on my head for awhile while I'm in the shower. Every three days, after rinsing the baking soda out I rinse my hair with about 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar diluted with water in a large plastic cup. If I don't do the vinegar rinse every three days my hair feels rough and dry. If I do it too often it feels oily. I used to wash my hair every day with shampoo and by the end of the day it felt oily and gross. Now it feels awesome even after 2 days. I still "wash" everyday, but I'm not worried about the possibility of skipping a day or two if something comes up. Also it took me about 2 months to figure out my system. I started with a baking soda paste (mixing baking soda and water), but it just didn't get to the roots of my hair. I also had to figure our the frequency of the vinegar rinse which took about 3 months. The first 2 weeks are really awful because your hair will just be in a constant oily state, but once you get past that it's magical. Also the vinegar will help detangle your hair. If you find that you don't need to rinse in vinegar everyday, just dip your hair in dilute vinegar and stay away from the roots, then rinse it out to have the detangling effect.
