1. Oils.
You must have the Castor Oil. It must be Unrefined - if it says Expeller Pressed you're good to go as well. I'm using Now Solutions Castor Oil 100% pure versatile skin care. It's a 16 oz bottle that I ordered from Amazon for $15.12. Can you buy it at your local drug store - probably - could you get a smaller bottle - definitely.
Now for the "Carrier" oil, a.k.a. the other type of oil you choose to use. The most frequently recommended carrier oil is EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil). My friend recommended Jojoba Oil to me because she said it smelled better. I'm using an 8 oz. bottle of Jojoba Oil by Acne.org that I also got from Amazon for $21.65. You could probably find this at a health or beauty store but if you live in Small Town USA like I then the internet is probably going to be your best bet. Now, you could also get a smaller bottle of this. If you want to research other Carrier options here are a few helpful sites.
One last addition to the mix is going to be Tea Tree Oil. This is the acne fighter. I'm using a 1 oz bottle of Jason Tea Tree Pure Natural Skin Oil ordered from Amazon for $9.75. This should be your smallest bottle. Use the sites above to research other additives. There are different oils for everything: acne, anti-aging, dry skin, etc.
2. Rag/Wash Clothes. A new one every night, thank you cleanliness.
3. Hot Water.
4. A Mixing Ratio.
This is an experiment. There are no set ratios. The dryer the skin the less Castor Oil and vice versa. I consider my skin Oily. I'm going to start 50/50 Castor and Jojoba with one tiny drop of Tea Tree - they say a little goes a long way. I'm going to eye ball the mix in my hand for at least the first week to see what ratio I like the best then I might pre-mix a small bottle after finding my very own personal ratio. Hooray.
5. The Process.
Step 1. Wash your hands.
Step 2. Start running Hot Water.
Step 3. Put a quarter sized portion of your oil mix in the palm of your hand.
Step 4. Rub the oil between your hands to warm it.
Step 5. Massage the oils into your face. Really massage. Keep massaging.
Step 6. Wash the oil off your hands and wet your rag with the hot water.
Step 7. Lay the hot rag over your face and let the rag stay until it reaches room temp. Re-wet the rag and repeat.
Step 8. Gently rub the oil off your face with the rag. Rinse the rag with the hot water and repeat until all of the oil residue is off your face.
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